Wednesday, 2 January 2019


For this activty we had to find an intresting animal a tell you all about it
i choose the Flying squirel

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emacyn,

    I'm Leslie and I'm a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, reading your blog from my home in Canada. Wow! You've created a great poster about Flying Squirrels!! I love that you've incorporated a photo of one on your page. Well done.

    Aren't these interesting animals? Imagine their ability to spread their legs out and glide from one tree to another - so different in body weight and shape from a bird and yet able to do something similar! Nature is amazing, isn't it???

    We have flying squirrels in the woods here in Ontario, Canada where I live. They are nocturnal, meaning they're most active hunting for food at night, so we don't get to see them very often. It's hard to see an animal in the trees at night unless there's a full moon. But I have caught glimpses of them from time to time and I feel very lucky when I do.

    Do you have a favourite bird or animal that lives in your neighbourhood? Or do you have a favourite animal that lives in the ocean?

    I hope you're able to enjoy some sunny days at a beach this summer - there are so many beautiful beaches around Auckland, I know. And I hope you're enjoying these Summer Learning Journey activities. Keep you your great work!




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