Thursday, 9 May 2019


Hi everyone yesterday we made a poster about your digital footpriant and do you know that if you delete something tht you do not want on the internet you can delete it but that does not mean that people have shared it with other people and taken screenshots.What i am trying to say here is that if you delete something that you don't want on the intenet it is still out there and people are still sharing it.
here is a screenshot of my poster.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Hi today i did some work on a mars picture and if you hover over the icons you will see two facts about Mars.Just press the word Mars at the top and i will take you to the mars picture.I have made the mars picture with a website called hope you like .

Friday, 3 May 2019

Pop art

Hi if you are wondring what this is it is  called pop art and the founder of pop art,
his name is Andy Warhol.He has made very famous art and has inspired us to do it in class i am half way done and all we got to do is blow it up to a bigger size and then colored it in.